3 Days BOOTCAMP with C language training institute Delhi

CPD Technologies invites students from Btech, BCA, MCA 1st/2nd year to join its Three Days bootcamp in Problem Solving Technique  Using C Language with C Language training institute Delhi.The idea behind this course is to give you the right direction towards first step for learning any Proramming language.

Programming is fundamentally about figuring out how to solve a class of problems and writing the algorithm, a clear set of steps to solve any problem. This bootcamp will introduce you to a powerful problem-solving process—the Seven Steps—which you can use to solve any programming problem. Programing can be fun and if basics for same is cleared then it can be more interesting. 

What 3 days Bootcamp in C Language will Cover?


Day 1
  • Writing, Running and Fixing Code in C
  • Lexical Elements & Data Types
  • Flow of Control & Simple Functions
Day 2
  • Arrays
  • Advance and User Define Functions
  • Working with Strings
Day 3
  • Advance Concepts in “C”
  • Pointers
  • Structures

Medium of Training 

As currently Covid 19 Outbreak is going on we are offering the same via Live Online Classroom.


About Trainer

Trainer is an IT professional from Industry with 4+ years of Experience as Coroporate IT Trainer


Fees of Course 

We care for your learning and during this Covid outbreak we are giving this training free of Cost.


Final Outcome 

E – Certificate of Participation  from Careerbandhu.org – Careerbanhu.org is CPD associates which works with various Intitutions in development of students skills and career enhanncement.


Registeration Process

For Next bootcamp dates from C Language training institute Delhi and registeration click on register now

Already Know C Language Go for C++ Training , Java Training 

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