Top 5 Hacks Of SmartPhone


Hi, everybody! Today I am back with a new and interesting topic which will just make you speechless. In this blog, I am going to say about top 5 hacks of SmartPhone. This is an interesting topic, so please read this blog carefully and enjoy. So let’s start. Nowadays, most of the people are using SmartPhones, but there are very few those who know about these life hacks on SmartPhone. I am just sharing my personal experience so you are getting all the information which is absolutely true.

Let's discuss the 1st hack which is your phone, tilt sensor can sense what you are typing on your computer. This is quite interesting, but it’s a truth. You can find motion sensitivity in some phones which can easily detect what you are just typing on your computer. This seems unbelievable, but the truth is it possible with phones like the iPhone.

This is another most important hack of SmartPhone. A SmartPhone can steal your credit card information just by being near them.It’s possible, but don’t worry about it because it can only possible if you using a contactless card.As most of the phones come with near field communication capability this hack can possible in your Smartphone.

The third hack in my point of view is free charging stations. These normally happen in some charge station. In these situations when you are putting your phone in charge hackers just steal your personal data. Yes, it sounds fake, but it’s a bitter truth. So be careful of these free charging stations.

A Fake cell tower can convert your phone into a remote listening device. Yes, this is the 4th hack of SmartPhone. It is also possible and most of the black hat hackers use this method to steal any personal details or important information from any targeted person. For this hack hackers are normally using a special box which acts a cell phone and able to record all your voices call easily.

Fifth and the last hack of SmartPhone is quite interesting which is anyone can easily use your phone to spy you. It may be quite dangerous, so try to keep your phone carefully. This hack only is possible by malware attack on your SmartPhone.

These are five simple Smartphone hack so if you like this blog then comment under the comment section.


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