Career Vs Job: Follow Your Passion

Hello Everybody!

Welcome back to my blogspot. Today I am back with a topic which at least once, all of us have thought of in our lifetime. Most of us would also have recieved lots and lots of advice in relation to this, at least I did, quite a large number of them. Without further beating around the bush, this blog is about career or job and the importance of following your passion. I would love to share with you’ll, my insight of the matter under consideration.

Well, undeniably the truth is all of us want a source of income, indeed a stable one to run our lives. This is one thing we are constantly reminded of, since our childhood. But somewhere between choosing the right course to study and finding the right job, we overlook what I like to put as ‘inner calling’. We are so focussed about the stability and monetary aspects of life that we ignore our passion. Most people, settle for a job and never even try to build a career in the first place.

On this note, let me brief the main difference between a career and a job. A career in the broad sense is about setting long-term goals to achieve greater good in life whereas a job is just going to work to earn a paycheck. A career is where you plan your every step towards achieving the goals you have set for yourself, which is not the case in a job. The majority of us can get a job with very little education, but right education is the building block of a career. Education, here might not necessarily be the formal old school one, but the proficiency you have in your chosen field.

I feel, our ultimatum must be about feeling content and happy, on every single day of your life with whatever you choose to do. Some people have jobs paying lucratively, but stress is all they carry back home along with their six or seven digit paycheck. And there are others, who live a middle class, but come back home with a smile and an eagerness to pick their work the next from where they left it. This eagerness only comes with the sense of satisfaction and happiness in your work is giving you. Basically, I believe this kind work is what all of us have to choose and build a career in that field.

A career is implicitly about ambitions, but being ambitious and successful do not always deliver happiness as a result. So make your call based only on what makes you happy and what you feel is worth all your hard work and sacrifices. Choosing a job or a career is your choice, but I feel down the lane of life, when we look at our choices, they should only make us proud of ourselves. We must try our best to not make decisions that we will end up regretting and the worse part is we will not even havea choice to rectify them.

I hope this article was worth your time. Until my next blog, stay healthy, stay happy and keep coming back for more interesting blogs.

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