AJAX Controls


The word AJAX means Asynchronous Javascript and XML in which “Asynchronous” means it can do all of task without refreshing the page. This technique provides easy communication between client and server without postback, which speed up the response time. These controls enable you to create rich User experience with little or no client script. With the help of AJAX you can update Partial page without refreshing whole page with postback and also display update progress during asynchronous postback. It also takes care of generating all JavaScript that required performing these functionalities because of which user doesn’t have to write any java script to implement AJAX. Subsequently, it also integrates data from different sources through call to web services.

The Controls Provided by ASP.net for having AJAX Functionality:

  • ScriptManager Controls: This one is most important control on the page and must be present in every page having AJAX control. ScriptManager control is also called agent which will write javascript required on client side to facilitate AJAX functionality. There should be only one scriptManager in a page.

<asp: ScriptManager ID=”scManager” runat=”server”>

  • ScriptManagerProxy Control: ScriptManagerProxy control should be used in content page that have master page containing ScriptManager Control.
  • Timer Control: It Perform postbacks after certain interval of time. With the help update panel, it allow partial time update of you page.

<asp: Timer ID=”Timer1” runat=”server” interval=”3000” ontick=”Tick” />

  • UpdatePanel Control: It is most important control in AJAX and allow partial rendering of data.

UpdatePanel tag has 2 child tags first one is ContentTemplate which is used to hold content of the panel and Triggers allows you to define certain triggers which update the content of panel.

<asp:UpdatePanel ID=”Update1” runat=”server” updatemode=”Conditional”>


<asp:AsyncPostBackTriggers controlId=”UpButton” eventname=”Click” />


  • UpdateProgress Control: To aware user that some processing is done by page right now. Also Provide status about page updates like “Loading…” indicate the work is in progress.

<asp:UpdateProgress ID=”UP1” runat=”server” DynamicLayout=”True” AssociatedUpdatePanelID=”UpdatePanel1”>




</asp: UpdateProgress>

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