What is data?
Data is a set of values of qualitative or quantitative variables; restated, data are individual pieces of information. Data in computing (or data processing) are represented in a structure that is often tabular (represented by rows and columns), a tree (a set of nodes with parent-children relationship), or a graph (a set of connected nodes). Data are typically the results of measurements and can be visualized using graphs or images.
What is a database?
A database is an organized collection of data. The data are typically organized to model relevant aspects of reality in a way that supports processes requiring this information. In a strict definition, databases are computer structures, which save, organize, protect, and deliver data.
After we know what is data and a database let’s see what types of database are?
Database is divided into following categories:
- Text Databases
- Desktop Database Programs
- Relational Database Management Systems (RDMS)
- NoSQL and Object-Oriented
Let’s discuss categories one by one
Text Databases: Text Databases are the simplest structure of storing data. Data is organized in the form of rows and columns in a text file. This structure can be used to store, organize, and retrieve Data from a text file. Each row represents logical data record in it. We can edit, delete, organized data in text files database. such Databases are text files.
Desktop Database Programs: Desktop Based Database program is intended for a single user environment. Data is stored and retrieved comparatively faster than text based Databases. it can store large amount of data while keeping Performance of the system Manageable. Some desktop databases are Microsoft Access and Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet.
Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS): Relational database management system are provides management of data with performance and allowing multiple users to access data at the same time and allow to create more data security as compare with Desktop Databases. RDBMS database system allow multiple database creation on a single system and access them simultaneously. Some RDBMS Databases are sql server, oracle, mysql, sysbase.
NoSQL and Object-Oriented: NoSQL and object oriented database system doesn’t Follow the structure(table/row/column) of RDBMS. They divide data with bookshelf concept and allow user to search data according to pointing to bookshelf rather than the matching the exact word.It stores data into denormalized way means data is stored as a chunk of data no sql is categories into 4 major parts
Key-Value Stores: These are schema free database structures values are stored in the form of key values .we can store different data in a column in different rows or you can have more columns in a row or vice and versa in key value store type databases. Databases build on the Key value store structure are:Amazon DynamicDB, oracle Berkeley 11g, Redis ,Azure table storage .
Document Stores: In document stores noSql Database the data is not stored as the conventional way instead of storing data in row and column the data is stored in a Jason or JavaScript object Notation document and the database does not have a schema as in conventional ones. Programmer who have knowledge of JavaScript functionality can easily use this in their projects. supportive database under document store are:CouchDB,MongoDB,TeraStore,MarkLogic,Jackrabbit.
Wide Column Stores: wide column store supports schema structures. They are basically known as semi structured schema databases. In this we need to specify a group name to the columns and those are called column families. We can have multiple column name of different rows but have a master column name which is different from other column names. Databases support wide Column Store Types are :Apache Hbase,BigTable,OpenNeptune, Hypertable.
Graph Databases: This type of database structure tries to focus on relationship between entities rather than the entity themselves. It is widely used in the social community websites where social search are very popular it provide better access speed while social searhing.Databases that support Grapg database structure are:NeoJ4, Sones,InfiniteGraph,AllegroGraph,FlockDB
Lets Learn what Is a Database management System ?
The Term "database" when used casually often refers to both a DBMS and the data it manipulates.
Database management System Is an application or program that can provide an interface which help user in accessing database. User can manipulate, add new data, and retrieve data easily
The DBMS Software are used to do following interactions:
- Define Data structures–DBMS software’s Provide user to define database structure, manipulate database structure and delete database structure and definition
- Manipulation of data – DBMS software’s allow user to insert, update, delete data from the tables
- Process Data for Information – DBMS software’s provide you a medium for retrieving data either from data manipulation queries or in the form of reports or retrieve for processing by other applications.
- Provide Data Administration/control – DBMS software Provide you Monitor Data security and provides full control on users or software accessing the data, Helps you in performance and concurrency management and allow recovery techniques in case of failure of system.
Lets Go through the database models now….
A Data model Describes the logical structure of a database system. Logical structure means the how the data can be stored fundamentally in the database system lets discuss some logical database data modules:
- Hierarchical database model-This kind of model follows Tree Structure for storing data it uses single parent structure for storing each record in the database. Field must be in sorted order to keep similar records in an order. It was used by IBM as database management system for their mainframes. XML Document follows the same structure. Drawback with this model is when full path for the record is not included it is difficult to access that record.
- Network model-This structure follows the hierarchical models with an many to many relationship structure before the introduction of relational model this structure is very widely used. This kind of model describes redundancy more efficiently than the other above models. This model maintains relationship by means of pointers.
- Relational model-This model was defined in the term of set theory and Predicate logic by E.F. Codd to make database structure to be more independent of the application type. Three terms are used in relational models are relational, domain, and attributes. it follows basic structure of table in which data is represented in rows and columns and the relation refers to the multiple tables in a database structure. In this structure /model the keys are used to identify or join data between two or more tables and can be used to create indexes for fast searching of records. The commonly used query language for this kind of model is structural query language.
- Dimensional Model-this model is used to store data in such a way the it can be easily used to summarize with the help of OLAP(online analytical processing) queries. it is used where data warehouses are used where data summarization is prime objective this model adapt relational model with some additional specialized features. in this model large table consist of a facts is stored and it is used I queries to group related facts. using OLAP Query facts are groped and create a summary of it. It implements star schema consist of highly normalized table. this structure provide high performance with OLAP Query and widely used.
Cloud Computing, C, C++, Data Structure
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