Importance Of Industrial Training

industrial training

It has been generally reported that university graduates needs a better workplace for preparation.So, what can better way to do this than let students experience doing genuine work while they are still studying?

Industrial training, where a student undertakes a period of training with an organization usually during a semester break, act as an important part in preparing the student for a professional career. With the active involved preparation,the student learns about the industrial demands, skill set and work ethics. At the mean time it gives the student an opportunity to put into practice what he or she has learned at university.

The industry introduction increases the undergraduate’s work life through added eagerness and responsibility; gives a long lasting learning experience; is an opportunity to engage with the profession to which they aspire in a realistic work environment; appreciate and understand the practical application of their academic program; work with professional mentors and to begin to build networks within their profession.

So, even before the student graduates he or she is prepared to be employment-ready, which expands the student’s employment prospects.While the student will have much to gain from industrial placement, the same is also true for companies which have such training programs in their place. These training programs can be of mutual benefit for employers because they may benefit from fresh ideas, energy and the quality of support that the student brings into the work environment.

Additionally, taking part in internship programs permits the staffs of an organisation to create leadership and monitoring skills, create presentation for the company, bring new points of view and new thoughts into the work environment. t is also a helpful pathway for the organization to select human assets as some assimilate trainees into their workforce after they graduate.

Industrial training came to existence in 1963 when Swinburne University of Technology starts industrial based learning. Today, it has sets up its extraordinary Industry Engaged Learning project, which is also sometimes referred to as Work Integrated Learning, Cooperative Education or Work Based Learning.

Currently, an essential characteristic of the university’s engineering curriculum is the mandatory exposure to professional engineering practice through industrial placement which has been seen to be a useful preparation for the professional career of an engineering graduate, and is also the common method of preparing skilled engineers worldwide.


summer training

Students have to procure knowledge as well as the procedure and craft of learning, and industry training permits them to refine their knowledge and skills. Numerous students who performed well have been employed immediately as permanent staff upon graduation.

With today’s rapidly changing pace of the occupation market, employees need to stay informed concerning new technology and knowledge. It is heartening to note that many organization value industrial training as a approach to prepare future employees and consider offering such training programs as their corporate social responsibility.

Industrial training is requires to overcome the hurdles in the academic curriculum and in the industry. This will help the students create and develop specific skills and competencies they require to become operable.This has been a practice in majority of the Western nations. So when they pass out from their college, at the same time joining the company, they just have to learn the process followed in the company. It gives an opportunity for graduates to apply theoretical knowledge gained in the classroom with practical application of knowledge required to perform a task.

In the case of IT industry, the industrial training will also teach them how the environment gonna be when they go to work. It gives the students a feel of how their work environment will be when they join the company.Industrial training also gives the students students, an introduction to the tools used in the industry.None of the advanced tools used in the industry are part of curriculum. From this students understand what their value addition is and what value students can give to the industry.The industrial training process will make the students job ready faster.

In the case of Knowledge Industry, the candidates must have problem solving skills. The students will also trained about how the professional business problems are solved by the company and how they get paid. Industrial training will also enhance the personal skills including presentation skills.Industrial training will fasten the process of transformation from a student to employee. If the student is really smart, the company may give an offer letter to the students. It additionally helps the students to relate between what they are doing in the college and what is there in the industry.


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