Microsoft .Net Framework: History till Now

Every One around you in software communities/colleges are talking about .net Framework lets find out what basically .Net Framework is ?

.Net is a software Framework(software framework is a universal, reusable software platform to develop software applications, products and solutions) . It runs primarily on Microsoft windows Platform. It includes a large library and provides language interoperability across several programming languages like c#, vb, j#, c++,asp and many more. Programmer can develop an application in more than one language with the help of .net framework.

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.Net Training in Delhi @ 8860352748

What make .Net framework so powerful/why now a large community of software developer are using .Net framework for developing the application/why companies seeking developers with the knowledge of .Net?

.Net framework provides extensive libraries and language interoperability across several Programming languages. so programmer can develop a project accordingly s/he can use multiple programming language in an application easily.

Programs written for .NET Framework execute in a software environment known as the Common Language Runtime (CLR). CLR is the virtual machine component of Microsoft's .NET framework and is responsible for managing the execution of .NET programs. It converts CIL (Common Intermediate Language) to native code.CIL is the lowest-level human-readable programming language defined by the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI)

.Net framework has a collection of Class Library provides user interface, data access, database connectivity, cryptography, web application development, numeric algorithms, and network communications and many more features and libraries which makes it easy to implement and powerful to use.

History Of .Net framework /Evolution of .Net framework

Microsoft started development on the .NET Framework in the late 1990s originally under the name of Next Generation Windows Services (NGWS). By late 2000 the first beta versions of .NET 1.0 were released with the Features like:

  • This is the first release of the .NET Framework, released on 13 February 2002.
  • It is available for Windows 98, ME, NT 4.0,2000, and XP.
  • It provides power of CTL,CLR,CLI

In Year 3 April 2003 Microsoft launched its .Net Framework Version 1.1 it is the version that is shipped with any windows operating system (windows server 2003)

It includes support for mobile Asp.Net Controls and also included support for ODBC(Open Database Connectivity ) and other Database provides in the market.

After the huge success of .Net framework on 07th November 2005 Microsoft published .NET Framework version 2.0 with the Visual studios 2005, Microsoft SQL Server 2005. And it include features like

  • A new hosting API for native applications wishing to host an instance of the .NET runtime. The new API gives a fine grain control on the behaviour of the runtime with regards to multithreading, memory allocation, assembly loading.
  • Many additional and improved ASP.NET web controls
  • New data controls with declarative data binding
  • New personalization features for ASP.NET, such as support for themes, skins, master pages and webparts
  • Membership provider
  • Partial classes
  • Nullable types
  • Introduces Common Language Runtime 2.0


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.Net Training @ 8860352748

On 6 November 2006. .Net comes with its new comes with its new .Net version 3.0 formerly this version is called WinFX. It includes features like

  • It includes a new set of managed codeAPIs that are an integral part of Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 operating systems.
  • Windows Presentation Foundation(WPF)
  • Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)
  • Windows Workflow Foundation (WF)
  • Windows CardSpace

On 19 November 2007. Microsoft introduced .Net Framework version 3.5 and include support for Ajax enabled websites and LINQ and other features like

  • Dynamic Data
  • New data service components added. ADO.Net Entity Framework and ADO.Net Data Services
  • New assemblies for web development
  • New set of controls “visual basic power pack”

On 12 April 2010 .Net framework version 4.0 was introduced .it includes support for visual basic and features like

  • implicit line continuations
  • dynamic dispatch
  • named parameters
  • optional parameters
  • and most important update was the new version of CLR(4.0)

.NET Framework 4.0.1 was a fix for Windows Workflow Foundation and introduced on On 18 April 2011,

NET Framework 4.0.2 was introduced as a support for Microsoft sql server on On 19 October 2011

.NET Framework 4.0.3 was released on 4 March 2012 includes dynamic language runtime and managed Extensibility Framework

On 15 August 2012 .Net Framework version 4.5 was launched and it is the current version that is shipped with Microsoft visual studios 2012 . A set of new or improved features were added into this version such as

  • Debugger support for seeing managed return values.
  • Async-aware debugging in the Call Stack and Tasks windows
  • Debugger support for analyzing .NET memory dumps (in the Visual Studio Ultimate SKU)
  • Tools for .NET developers in the Performance and Diagnostics hub
  • Code Analysis UI improvements
  • ADO.NET idle connection resiliency





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