My First Facebook Account

A big Hi to all my dear readers out there! I am back again with another post, which I am sure most of you all can relate to. Social media has become a staple part of our life and this is surely not an overstatement. Platforms like Facebook, Whatsapp have taken communication to a whole new level. So I thought I must share my first experience on Facebook. I opened my first Facebook account during November 2011. That was the time when smartphones were crawling into the market. As a high school student, obviously I did not have an access to smartphone. One of my cousins had wifi connection and she helped me to set up my FB account. Oh, I was really excited to step into this whole new world.

Since we did not have an internet connection or a smartphone in the house, I had to face the challenge of finding a cyber cafe in the neighborhood. With the little pocket money I saved, I used to seldom go to the cyber cafe on my bicycle to check my Facebook updates. Two years down the line, my dad gifted me a laptop and a data card. This was when I actually became a loyal Facebook user. Facebook provided a platform to connect with my childhood friend who had left the city. There was an excitement in waiting to get more number likes with every new picture. Pictures were specially clicked to upload on Facebook. Staying up late in the night to chat with best friends became an everyday routine. There was an innocence creepy side of me, that often stalked my high school crush’s profile. Facebook also gave me the pleasant bliss of talking to my cousins abroad with such an ease. Status updates on every little crazy adventure happened in life became as common ad any other day to day routine.

With the passing time, Facebook has become a much more integral part of life. There is a certain amount of time kept aside only checking the updates on our Facebook account. I have developed some kind of a strange emotional connect to my Facebook account. My Facebook timeline is a clear evidence of the person I have grown up to be. If ever, there comes a day when I will have to delete my existing account or create a new, I will certainly think a hundred times before actually doing it.

Hope this post about my first Facebook account, which still happens to be my only Facebook account took all of you on a ride through nostalgia!

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